Our mission is to help stimulate the healing process. We work on the energy meridians, muscles and nerves of the human body, the client will be brought into a state of deep relaxation during the massage, releasing the energy channels and allowing the energy to circulate freely through the body, which helps stimulating the healing process.
MASSAGE SCHOOL AND SPA CENTER IN TIMISOARA - Welcome to the World of Thai Massage!
This center is designed out of love for a healthy body, mind and spirit and in harmony with the Universe!
I am going to tell you a beautiful story. My meeting with the Thai massage was not accidental. You know, sometimes there in the Universe, there is a thing meant to happen to you, the best thing in your life, and you will reach it,
undoubtedly. That's what happened to me.
In 2014, we embarked on an inner journey around the world. After the discovery of indigenous tribes in Brazil, of the Machu Picchu incas history,experiences with the Amazonian or Mayan shamans of Mexico, after the discovery of Japan with the individual's consciousness towards collective balance, in China I had a dream, literary,that I was meant to practice massage and here, I found out that the best massage is in Thailand, the Thai massage, recognized by the Royal Family.
So I let the Universe work for me and even if I had a visa to go to Vietnam, I gave it up and changed my destination to Thailand. I invested my last money, in Thai massage courses, because I listened to my inner call, which actually brought me where I am today, to my own business, a business for my soul.
So, I started a beautiful story there, a story between me and the Thai massage. And in 2015 I decided to bring this story home, in Timisoara, here in the Thai Therapy center.
Through this school and the private practice, I invite you to start this beautiful trip to Thailand and back.
In this center we created a wonderful world that conveys everything that the Thai massage art means, with all its secrets. From the moment you step in, you feel the aroma of tea perfectly combined with scented oils and oriental music. The atmosphere is very relaxing, the trainees and the persons enjoying the massage really feel like in a recovery journey, their well-being is obvious, and the energy they have after a course or a massage session is indescribable.
The secret of this massage is abandonment. In our world 80% of people live in stress and depression, few of us are aware of this, and we fail to truly relax, abandon our body and soul, live the moment.
The Thai massage is perfect for fighting these psychical fatigue states, provided we get carried away and enter, calm and relaxed in this story of massage.
I am very happy/fulfilled that this story has begun to come to life, that people begin to be open to this type of ancient Thai massage art, as they are starting to look for more and more solutions to fight against stress and for personal evolution. And this concept is spreading in the whole country and not only due to the trainees coming from all over Romania and Europe to bring this art forward.